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Victor B. – An object and/or shadow #17- Bonus

HOLD ON, don’t worry! Yes, I am the photographer of this photo and I am also in it! Isn’t that amazing technology of the twenty first century? Here is the story: A few days ago, I was sitting in my room at my desk at night and clearing my camera of all the old/unnecessary photos that I have taken this semester for class. But then, I accidently pressed the button which switched the screen from my gallery to camera. At that moment, I had a nice warm candle lit up in front of the camera and when I saw the camera lens pointing towards the candle, I really liked how the shadows and colors looked, so I decided to play around with the camera and setting to maybe take a nice photo of the candle or fire. During the process, I had again, pressed the “take a photo” button when the camera was facing my face. Later on, when I have seen this accidental photo, it was bad quality and everything, but the setting in general was really appealing to me. Therefore, using my desktop light and my camera’s rotating screen, I was able to take some photos of myself. Later on, I also took this photo of my eye up close and I really liked it. This is why I have decided to post it. Hopefully someone will appreciate the effort of me writing this and posting it as my 14’th portfolio during my BREAK. Thanks

1/80 sec. f/5.6 55mm ISO: 12800

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